He'll Get By

Not as good as the Current Banner, but still a concept...

Too Soon?

Hey, here again to break my blogging ethics and bring some variety into our blogging community.

Just a side-note, that post just before really reminded me of my old blogs... good times.
But i'm not here to re-write my previous works, this is a new blog, new style, new ideas, same audience.

Towards the end of that post you might have noticed that i left a little comment about an 'urban blur'. By this i was describing how our society seems very standardised, now many of us youthfull types have realised this and have tried to break out with our own 'scenes', which really means nothing. This break-out of varying looks, has created a sort of rushed appearance to society, and so we're all being 'unique' in the same method. Yea, society sucks like that. Now, i'm sorry for saying that, it is quite a generalising and stereotyping comment. I understand that quite a few of you would like to believe that you stand out, a unique individual. Well, you probably are an individual, in one way or another, but you will never be unique, whatever you feel is unique about you, someone else will have that, they will...

Just thought i'd put that thought out there...
And i'm not really sorry for saying it, so i'll be taking that thought back in...

Here comes some 'Woah'

well, another day another post, another post another subject...

the 90 million(+) dollar lotto is on tonight, lots of money up for grabs, lots of grabbing by the people. Lots of people would like the sudden wealth that winning the lotto would bring them, and many of those people say that they wouldn't. Apparently too many problems would come with the money; family, friends, media, general public, whenever someone wins a big amount of money through any means and lets the media do stories about them, never really seem as happy as you would expect, they usually try to explain the problems to us, saying that 'it's not that great'

but it could have been, if they just had not signed some media consent forms and they'd be home free, just another face in the crowd. One more unrecognizable person that walks past you, never to be seen again. Free to go buy the latest iPod without any hesitation, without being served by a trainee at the store that has a stupid grin on their face, free to be part of this urban blur.

and that's the post... Nothing really special, i know, don't worry, i don't plan to leave you hanging...

I Think We Found His Insecurity...

Woah, stop those thoughts. I'm not gonna let this blog die just like that, i'm much more dignified,

you've seen how i go out in style.

but enough of looking into the past, time to change our views to the future, or at least the present. Actually, screw the looking, i'll do some talking and you can do some listening.
well, theres just been a sudden development. But i'll let you investigate that yourselves.

Ok, now onto some actually bloggy substance, and i'm gonna try to be smart and blog about bloggin... Personally, the main reason i blog is to pass the time, i have churned out many posts in my 100-days off. I do also believe that a major part of a blog's appeal is all the 'show' involved, such as a fancy banner (see above), and also the way things are worded can make a blog seem very 'attractive'. Simply, avoid everyday words, try to use slightly less common adjectives and other such describing words. Repetition is also something to avoid, a fancy word or phrase should really not be used twice in a paragraph, and preferably only once in the whole blog. Subject matter is also very important to me, seriously, who wants to read three seperate posts in a row about a lack of posts, it's just extremely dull and offputting, so please don't pressure me for posts, because i take all of that into consideration.

Remember, the chatbox will always* be open for you to compliment/insult me about my posts, that's why it's there, seriously

Well, holidays are coming up, still not much planned, hopefully everything won't fall apart...

Only 3 days left for most of us, so have a good one world, have a good one for me

*always, unless the admin of this blog goes all totalatarian and we lose colour...

Game Plan

Welcome generic peoples to my latest piece of work to be uploaded through the wires straight to you, Instant Blue - A Tale Of 'Woah'.

Well, now that the formalities are out of the way, i believe it's time for a game plan to be set out before i get into the juicy blogness that you are all here for. Realisticly this blog should only last 1 or 2 months, i'll get bored, you'll get bored and i'll just have to hit the often used 'reset' button and start all over again. Overall the blogging here should be very disjointed and loose, but i will have some set commandments that i should follow most of the time.

1/ this blog is not set up for me to have a vent or a whinge about how crappy things, or other people can be

2/ obey all commandments

yea, that idea fell apart quickly...

well, subject matter will just be what i feel like, i might scan some drawings into here...
if you have anything you'd like me to review/talk about, then just post a comment or put something in the Cbox on the side there.

Don't expect a post everyday, i have better things to pretend to be doing... almost. I'm just saying that now so you can't start Heckling me when the spring runs dry and you're left with reading other blogs for a while.

Hmm, interesting first post, maybe this will go somewhere.
Well, this is DJ Nee--- GAr. sorry, force of habit.
yea... First post finally done, keep the feedback coming if you want me to post sooner, this isn't just going to be a give-give-give relationship between us, there's gonna have to be at least some contribution by you readers.
Even if it's just a 'Nice Post'
so, hope you've enjoyed this nice post, i'm gonna go eat some bread.